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以下是 3 个与情感故事相关的参考文献:


1. 情感心理学作者:王登峰等。这本书系统地阐述了情感心理学的基本理论和研究成果,对于理解情感的本质和作用有很大帮助。

2. 亲密关系作者:罗兰·米勒等。探讨了人际关系中的各种情感现象,包括爱情、友情等,能提供关于情感发展和维护的有益见解。

3. 故事思维作者:安妮特·西蒙斯。强调通过讲述故事来传递情感和影响他人,对于在各种情境中表达情感和建立共鸣有指导意义。


1. "Emotions in Everyday Life" by Sonja Lyubomirsky. This work examines emotions in various aspects of daily life and provides insights into their nature and management.

2. "The Psychology of Emotion" by Richard Lazarus. Offers a comprehensive exploration of emotions and their psychological processes.

3. "Emotion and Social Relationships" by John A. Bargh. Focuses on the relationship between emotions and social interactions.

4. "Narrative in Therapy" by Donald Meltzer. Discusses the use of narrative in therapeutic contexts to help individuals process and understand their emotions.

5. "Emotion, Cognition, and Personality" edited by Robert Plutchik and Kenneth Kellerman. Covers a wide range of topics related to emotions, cognition, and personality.